Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Well heard back from more Agents today.

And honestly... a little irritated.

I heard from:

Robin Straus
Robin Straus Agency, Inc.
229 East 79th Street
New York, NY 10021

Miriam Kriss
Irene Goodman Literary Agency
80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10011

Marcia Amsterdam
Marcia Amsterdam Agency
41 West 82nd Street, Suite 9A
New York, NY 10024

Kristin Lindstrom
Lindstrom Literary Group
871 N. Greenbrier Street
Arlington, VA 22205

Now I list these people specifically... because on their websites they ask for a query letter and then like 3 chapters. Not exactly cheap. Those letters cost like $3 or $4 to send. I sent them out the 8th... which means they got there on Friday, the 10th. The letters are postdated the 13th, which is a Monday.

Sure... they could have read everything over the weekend... but somehow I just don't think they did. I think they opened it on Friday, stuffed a letter in, and then sent it back out on Monday.

I know it's a very tight business... but don't ask for 50 pages of materials if you aren't going to read them. I much rather send a letter and a sypnopsis and a SASE then a whole package of stuff.

So I guess I'm just disappointed more than irritated. Feels like I wasted my money on someone who didn't really take the time to read anything. ::Shrug:: But then again, they might have taken it home and actually read it. At least with the E-mails they personally write ya something back, as opposed to stock letters. (Some of which are poorly copied.)

Current Count

10 out of 67

4 out of 22 that wanted a few chapters.


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