Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Monday, January 21, 2008

No School Today

Nope, it isn't a snow day. (Although with 20 degree weather, it certainly is cold enough for snow.) It is MLK day and therefore all schools that get federal money more or less close for the day. So, I've spent most of my day here at home, in front of a fire, with Gizmo snuggled up next to me as, I flip through some stuff on my computer.

I did go out once today to get some gas for the car and buy an external hard drive. I got one for my dad and liked it so much, I got one for myself. It is a really small 160 GB drive that could fit in my front pocket. I have a 400 GB drive that looks like it runs on diesel. It's amazing how small they make these things. I plan on backing up my computer weekly with this thing. It is pretty much a plug and play device, allowing me to synchronize files as I see fit. (I pretty awesome actually.)

I saw Cloverfield on Saturday. It is an amazing movie to say the least and in alot of ways kinda sad at the end. (But I won't say why.) I really like J.J. Abrams ever since he created Alias. (Which was before Lost, thank you very much.) His version of Mission Impossible with the cooky Tom Cruise was also really good. He is suppose to be releasing a Star Trek prequel/reboot of the series later in the year. Given how awesome his other movies have been, I will likely go see it.

Well that's about it for me. Hey look... two days in a row post!

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