Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day!

So I was scheduled to work today for Twin Valley. But... 5 inches of snow changed that. So, horay for me, I got to sleep in today. Right now I am just sitting here with a puppy curled up in my lap watching it snow outside. I would say that Pottstown has about 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground with a few more inches on the way.

The tricky part is trying to figure out if we should have a N Crowd show tonight. Right now, I am leaning towards a yes. The last time we had snow like this on a Friday, 15 or so people came out to see the show. I am hoping to repeat that sucess again. Plus I like the fact that we have a show unless it is the absolute worst kind of weather. Right now, I'm not so sure that this is the worst kind of weather. I am likely going to slowly head into the city at around... 2 p.m. Given the state of things outside, I expect to get there at around 4 p.m. If I leave any later, I risk getting stuck in a traffic jam that I don't really feel like dealing with.

Another tricky part is making sure we have enough people to pull off this show. I am confident we do... but I guess I'll have to play that one by ear as well. Hopefully I'll have some more time to post later.



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