So I subbed in the Middle School today. There are aspects about the middle school I like and aspects... I don't.
I like that they are mature enough to understand sarcasism but aren't exactly insulted by it. Personally I think they consdier it as a compliment because you are treating them like adults. I've found that 6th, 7th, and 8th graders seem to understand this. Plus if you put them in their place, they're less likely to act at so not to loose face with the students around them.
However what I don't like about the middle school is that they are full of knowledge but absolutely have no wisdom. For example, one of the students I subbed for once said, "I don't need to learn this. When I turn 18 I'm going to go to Africa and live off the land."
While not exactly the best idea in the world given that there are many conflicts on that continent, I asked "How are you going to get there? You need a job to pay for the plane ticket."
"I'll take a horse."
See... knowledge. No wisdom.
But nevertheless, I had a good time today. I rarely let the kids frustrate me. I might frustrate them for refusing to let them do what they want to do. (Which between you and me is pretty fun.)
To tell you the truth the only thing that does frustrate me are the teachers. They get in my face sometimes when I don't follow procedure that changes by the year, floor, or even somtimes per classroom. My response to them is always :
If it's this important, this important then it should be written down somewhere.I probably rub some people the wrong way. But I keep getting called back so I'll keep going. It would be nice if less than 50% of the school population had a Emo Haircut.