Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Job Interview and Flooding


So today I had my job interview. I gave 5 people the first 10 minutes of my first day. Of course it was entertaining... but firm. I thought I did a really good job. Then they asked me a bunch of questions about what I would do. I also think I gave a bunch of good answers. As far as I am concerned at least. Apparently they are going to let me know one way or another in about 3 weeks. So I guess it's just a wait and see sort of deal.

Historic Flooding

At least that's what they are saying. It has rained here heavily for the last week and the water is finally beginning to go over the banks. The rivers that go through Pottstown are forecasted to be about 10 feet above their flood stage. So most of downtown Pottstown is flooded. That's not so bad, as they were calling for waters to be 20 feet above their floodstage. I'm glad I live all the way up here. Heh.

Other then that... not to much going on. Just waiting for my 4 day holiday weekend to come up!

Monday, June 26, 2006

This Week In Beej

Well I've got some important things going on.

Job Interview!

On Wednesday I have an interview with a school district. During the interview I have to give them the first 10 minutes of my first day of school and a lesson plan. So I'm a bit nervous about that... but I've got down what I want to say. So it should be good... at the very least a learning experience.


This week is our last week at the Society Hill Playhouse. Then we are going to take a month off our so. We need to decompress and reorganize. I plan on putting up some funny N Crowd videos over the next few weeks. What will they be? Well you'll just have to see.

Well that's about it for me. Ta ta!

Monday, June 19, 2006


Back To The Summer Job

So today I headed back to Omnicare for my summer job. They were excited to see me again. Omnicare is a Clinical Research company... at least on the surface. Working there last year, I discovered their true purpose.... they are actually a black ops squad.

Here are the Team Members.

Gary "The Boss."

As you can see, Gary is the boss of Omnicare. Although he only has one eyes, he is a crack shot. He does all of the "negotiation" for the group. This requires him ot go to New York or LA from time to time, but he does a great job. I'm just glad that he's pleased by my work. There was this other guy at work last year and well.... I don't see him anymore.


She's a master of disguise. All of those photos of her are actually her in "the field." I know, she's good. Half of the time strangers come up to me and I'm not sure if it's her or not. This week she is on a "Mission" in Chicago. I asked why she was going, but it turned out I was talking to the cafeteria lady.


If you need someone to take down a bridge or a building, she's the woman you want. Trained by the SAS for several years, she went freelance before joining emissary. She's got a few wires loose in the head, but fortunately none of her devices. Which is good for me since I usually have to do her grunt work.


Nancy is a highly trained sniper. Although I'm not exactly sure, I think she's mainly spent her time in Eastern Europe and perhaps South Africa. She's skilled, no doubt. But she has a penchant for Bogart movies and often plays them at the cubicle.

So what do I do at emissary. Well I usually come in during the summer when the contracts are heating up. To put it simply, I am a hired gun.

Here I am doing a project for Sharon last week.

So this summer should be pretty exciting and fun.

(Plus I know that every once in a while they read this)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Big News Coming

There is big N Crowd news coming....

Stay tuned!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Woo hoo!

I have a wireless connection!

The Wonders of Technology

Well a big reason why I haven't been posting as much as I use too was that my laptop was in the shop for repairs. Apparently the "logic" board was all screwed up. It took about two weeks to get that all straightened around.

So I got the laptop back yesterday and it's working! Except.... for... one... little problem.

It is not registering a wireless connection. Alota good my laptop is to me when I can get online! That's why I bought it! So I call up the service guys again today. They have me install the drivesr, uninstall the drivers, download drivers from the interent, put it on a flash drive, and then load the drivers from there, take teh computer apart, reset the wireless card, and put everything back together. It's 5 p.m. now and this has been going on since about 12 noon today.

Right now I'm rebooting the entire system once again. Starting from scratch. And... if THIS doesn't work... I have to send it back and start from scratch! (I'm glad I bought that 300 GB external drive. Everything is saved.)

In Other News

I've taken this entire week off from work to relax. Which hasn't been so relaxing today because of my computer problems. But this week has been fun because.....

We have a new addition to the family:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is Gizmo. He is a 8 week old Yorkshire Terrier and he is adorable.

We finally have a dog again.

Well I guess I should go and check on my computer. Wish me luck that I don't have to send it back!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My God! Another POST!

Yes indeed. Go figure. Another post from me!

Adventure Into Philly

So today I am heading into Philly for an audition. What for? Greg of GStarr wants me to audition for his play, The Zoo Story. So I am heading down there for an audition. I'm not expecting to get a part, I'm just really doing it for the fun of it. I haven't auditioned for anything since Edinboro, so it should be fun. I have to pick out a 1 minute monologue, and I have memorized it for today. Here it is... don't you think it fits me perfectly?

Lasers, Eight O'clock, Day One
Written by Terry Gilliam & Michael Palin

It's a good question. Why have I let the Supreme Being keep me here in the Foretress of Ultimate Darkness? Look.. Shut up.. I'm speaking rhetorically. I let him keep me here in order to lull him into a false sense of security. When I have the Map, I will be free, and the world will be different, because I have understanding... of digital watches. And soon I shall have understanding of videocassettes recorders and car telephones. And when I have understanding of them, I shall have understanding of computers. And when I have understanding of computers, I shall be the Supreme Being. God isn't interested in technology. He knows nothing of the potential of the microchip or silicon revolution. Look how he spends his free time! Forty three species of parrot! Nipples for men! Slugs! He created slugs. They can't hear! They can't speak! They can't operate machinery! I mean, are we not in the hands of a lunatic? If I were creating a world, I wouldn't messed bout with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, 8 o'clock, day one!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rainy Saturday

Well life is moving along at a pretty quick clip these last two months. Which is the main reason why I'm only posting every two weeks. Things have been busy. Some good, some bad.

Last when we left off from my life, I had just gotten back from Seth's wedding. (I actually finally sent them out a thank you card for inviting me just last week. Heh. Like I said, busy.) So here is what has been going on with me. It's not in chronological order, but rather by subject.


This last week was the last week of library. I still have school next week, but I don't have any library classes. Sure, you are thinking, "B.J. gets to be lazy for a week!" Not so much. The last week of school I need to count all the books and make sure every single book is in it's right spot in the library. Yes indeed, that means going to each self, pulling each book, and checking it's call number. In not one library, but two. Assuming I get that done, it's repairing damaged books. Despite all of this work, it'll be nice to be left to my own devices for a week and not have to worry about kids.

Still haven't heard from any of the school districts... hmmm... perhaps I'll be subbing for another year. At least I got an interview this year.


This is the last month of N Crowd shows until we take our July break. Things are going pretty well with the group. We've been having attendance problems, but that's no one's fault. We just have to try harder to make sure everything is going smoother. We're also actively looking for a producing director. We could hire someone outside that no one knows... I'd perfer to go with someone who I know has the talent and ability to handle such a talented group as our self...

Just got to think.... where.... would... we... find... someone...?

In other theater news, on Sunday I believe I'll be going down to Philly and auditioning for a play. Been 3 years since I've done something like that... so... you know... it'll be exciting.

Love Life

Was okay, now not so much.

Oh well.

Looking Forward To...

The end of school is next week. On Friday, after school... I am heading up to Western PA for the theater banquet. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. Some faces won't be there, but I saw them at Seth's wedding. Those who weren't at Seth's wedding will be there at the banquet. It should be a good time for all. Then, on Sunday, I am going to Erie to see the ECW PPV at a bar with my old wrestling buddies. It'll be fune.