Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Monday, January 30, 2006

You know what I hate?

I hate the Burger King Ads with that plastic burger king king.


I wish he would die.

If they can put him in old football games, then they can put him in Saving Private Ryan being shot up by the Germans.

Study Night And Bubba Is Gone!

So I'm at Chester's right now and he's asking me a bunch of questions regarding computers and I'm just nodding pretending I am understanding what he is saying. I'm glad he's taking this test. Cause I have no fucking clue what he's saying.

I just read that to him. He laughed.

So Bubba is gone! When I say Bubba, I mean my good old Red 91 Buick. I sold it today to one of Chester's friends for $1. Actually it was kind of funny because I had to fill out an additional form at the notary explaining why I was selling my car for $1 and not the listed price of $1,900. This is what I wrote on their form:

"If anyone has seen my car they will realize that it is not worth $1,900. I wish I could have sold it for that much, but alas I could not. It has been sitting out there for the last 5 months. No one wanted it for $700. So I am now selling it for $1 to J."

Well.... WWE RAW is on. I shall write some more later...or tomorrow.

Penny Pincher Call Update: 9 Calls

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Late Night Post

Yes indeed, because well... I'm not working tomorrow. Because tomorrow I am finally getting rid of my old car. Woo hoo! Tomorrow around lunch Chester's friend is going to come over, test drive the car, and then I am going to sign the title over to him. And boom! No more car! Boom! Another parking spot that hasn't been available since September.

Current Penny Pincher Phone Count: 8

I'm expecting more and more everyday. I certainly know where I am going to go if I ever need to sell anything else. Ever again.


So I was thinking today... what if I won the lottery. What would I do?

Well I came up with a list:

  • Send Haley, Erin, and Amanda something nice. (Probably a neat gift and some mula)
  • Fund the N Crowd full time
  • Get a sweet pad in Philly
  • Go to a Spa
  • Destroy Matt Nelson

Heh. He never reads this.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I Hate Waiting

So I was going to go and see "The mandatory" tonight. The new Pierce Bronson movie. The movie was going to start at 7:35 p.m. I got to the theater at 7 p.m. And there was a line all the way out of the box office and onto the sidewalk.

Needless to say, I did not see the movie.

#1. I hate waiting. For anything. Especially when I am by myself. I don't like standing in line. The only time I tolerate it is when I'm in amusement park.

#2. I'm not standing outside in the cold. I already got a cold!

So.. sorry. No movie review Haley.

Up to 6

So the plan is for me to transfer the car title to Chester's friend on Monday.

I'm going to keep count of how many people call here for the next two week from the Penny Pincher ad.

Current Count: 6


I sold my car today! My friend Chester knows a fella whose care just went kaput. So he's going to set the guy up with my fantastic old Buick. Kind of funny that his happen as I had just put an add in the local Penny Pincher about the car. Now I've got to deal with phone calls for the next two weeks. Heh.

I feel bad saying, "Sorry. Car is already sold."

But I feel better knowing that it won't be towed as an abandoned car in a few months.

Woo hoo.

In other news... I've got a bit of a cold today so I think I just might take it easy.

But I have just completed the next N Crowd Trailer! I'll probably stick a sneak peak on this journal a day or two before I actually put it up on the N Crowd Website.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Great Show Last Night

So last night there was an N Crowd show. Of course there was, it was a Thursday!

And it was a great show! We had about 30 people and the show was really tight. We had a few issues with the band, as one of their band members got lost, but we recovered and had a pretty good show. There were a few points that I think we could avoid next week. But hey, people enjoyed themselves. I just hope we can keep up the pace.

I taught today and yesterday... but.. I'll write about that later. It was fun.

Now.. I'm gonna relax. I'm not even going to spell check this thing.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm teaching 5th grade today.

AND... I 've got an N Crowd show tonight.

woo hoo.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cough Cough

Chest is sick.

No studying tonight. Guess I'll just have to stay in my PJ's and sit by this warm fire.

Woot Woot!

Big News!

So I found out yesterday that The N Crowd will be returning to the Society Hill Playhouse in February!

Woo hoo! Horray! Horra! Hip Hip Yahoo!

I believe it's mainly due to the response we had last Thursday. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to keep it up! With that said, February is going to be quite a fun month because we are going to be having any number of special guests with us that month. Who you might ask?

Well, if all goes well we should have these groups:

And special guests from:

We are all pretty excited about this. For a while it looked like we weren't going to be there in February. I just hope we can keep up the pace.


So yesterday I didn't work. I didn't really do all that much to tell you the truth. I just had one of those lazy days. Something everyone needs from time to time I feel. But last night, we had a special rehearsal. Once a month, Rick Horner of ZombieShark organizes rather large improv jams. This one wasn't as large as the other one, although most of The N Crowd came tot his one. (We enjoy playing with other people so its kewl.)

Other Non N Crowd people there included:

It was fun. I enjoy doing scenes with Matt Nelson, Cobby, and Rick Horner. Mainly because I like showing off my skills. They are quite the talented bunch so it's a boost to the ego when they laugh at what I do.

Well tis a windy night. So I think I shall be gone and work on a few other things. Perhaps I shall post later from Chester's apt.

Oh hey. If you are my real friend, cross you fingers and hope I win The Powerball tonight. I'll send you something nice if I win.

Monday, January 23, 2006


I can't get Jess's pictures to load. :(

Guess I'll try again later this week.

In Service Is In!

So today I went to my In-Service. It wasn't all that exciting because well... it was about stuff that didn't really apply to me. However, it was nice to see all of the teachers there who I sub for. I can't really go into detail about what they talked about there, but it was interesting how teachers figure out how to accomplish the goals given to them by the state and administration.

Heh. It actually was really funny. I wish I could talk about it.

In other news.... well... not much in other news. In about 30 minutes I'm going to head on over to Chester's Apt. and help him study. I think I'll probably post those B-day pictures from Jess's party then. (Assuming I remember to bring the camera.)

In-Service Today

Well hey!

I've got an inservice today. I should have started to going to these earlier. But as I work for 2 school districts... shouldn't be a big deal.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Jess!!!!!!

Last night was Jess's Birthday! It was awesome. We went to Sugar Mom's around 8ish and left there around 1:30 ish. We claimed the couches in the bar and pretty much stayed there the entire night. I think Jess had a really good time. There were alot of people there, some I didn't even know. Attending Jess's Birthday Party:

  • Myself
  • Mike
  • Brandon
  • Jess's Friend MJ
  • Jess's Friend Kerri
  • Lindsey
  • Aksahy
  • Alexis
  • Mike of Industrial
  • Aksahy
  • An Assortment of Akshay's friends
  • An Assortment of Mike's friends.

That night consisted of Rum and Cokes, Captain and Cokes, Jager Shots, and Largers. I zonked out at around 2 a.m. and woke up around 10 ish. I felt a little crappy in the morning, but all and all it was a pretty good night. I had a good time. I've got some pictures. I'll put them up a bit later.

Happy Birthday Jess!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Busy and then Lazy

I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday. I must be getting forgettable in my old age. I've had a somewhat exciting past few days. When I say somewhat, I mean...It's been fun.


We had a great N Crowd show on Thursday night. About 30 people came, which is the best turn out there yet. Hopefully we an keep it up... We've convinced them to keep us for another week in February. So hopefully we'll get some more good turn out and they'll want to keep us a bit more long term. To tell you the truth it is a bit frustrating that we are on a week by week basis as it makes it impossible to do any sort of long range planning. But oh well... It was still a hell of a good show.


I worked Thursday and Friday. On Thursday I taught 6th grade math which was... alright. They really wear me out, so it isn't all that fun. 6th graders however are a bit nicer than 8th graders. So I don't have to throw as many out. But I did throw several out. It's still just as funny as it was last year.

On Friday I taught in the 2nd grade with a really nice class. They were really low maintaince. I didn't have to yell at anyone and they seemed to really enjoy me. The only problem I had was that a little girl had an "Accident." She was pretty embarrassed, so I just told the rest of the class that some silly 1st grader had ran into the wrong room and knocked over a cup of lemonade all over the floor. And that no one should step in it because it's sticky.



Well tonight I am doing two things.

In the evening... I'm meeting with a certain... someone.....

And then tonight it's Jess's Birthday! Woot! A good time shall be had.... by all!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So What Have Been Up Too?

I've been working!

Today I taught 6th grade math all day and the day before I got an emergency call to come in and teach 3rd grades. Both days were a bit uneventful, although teaching in the middle school always does require a little more yelling than usual. This exchanged took place today.

"Man. You are stupid!"
"Excuse me. Sam... how old are you?"
"11 years old."
"Let me tell you and the rest of the class something.. I don't care what 11 year olds think of me. I could care less. The day I care is the day.... hmm... even if I'm dead, I still wouldn't care. I'm taller than you, have more money than you, and I can throw you out of this room whenever I want. Think and say what you like, but I am the boss you are a mere pawn. Now do you're work or you are going to regret it tonight and tomorrow and probably for the rest of the week!"

Needless to say....

That got everyone in line.


I've got an Improv show tomorrow. Woo hoo! I hope people come. I'll let you know how it goes.

special Message For Erin:

Yes you can buy the car, but I have that cat in my car now. So you can't have it. :)


I did work yesterday! I subbed in 3rd grade. Hence my lack of posting yesterday.

I got a call at 9:30 a.m. yesterday morning. Someone apparently got sick when she got to school. So, I went in and taught 3rd grade. It was pretty uneventful day. Although... it was a very chatty class.

And then after school, I went write to improv rehearsal.

Meh. I'm still waking up. I'll write more later. Probably at Chester's.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

No Work

No one called for me today. :(

Guess that means I get to sleep!

Monday, January 16, 2006


Well I am at Chester's tonight helping him study. And then I am going to be watching WWE RAW!


Before, Chester didn't have USA. But now he got his cable fixed, I can watch USA here and watch WWE RAW! Woo!

At the moment I am not working tomorrow... However I am expecting to teach 1st grade tomorrow. The teacher who teaches that grade ran into me on Friday and told me she was going to be out and had requested me to come in. I wish when those requests came in, that the sub caller would call that night. I mean... what if another school district calls right now. If they call saying they want me, I would say no because I am expecting to work tomorrow. However, that is unofficial. If I don't get a call.... I might not be working tomorrow waiting for a call.

Hence my dilemma.

Hopefully that school district will call. Woo!

Cause I need money. Woo!


Wreslting should be good tonight. Woo!

Woo Hoo!

I acomplished three things today.

  1. Did my wash.
  2. Put an ad in the local Penny Pincher to sell my car.
  3. Got a comment from my pal Erin.

Woo hoo.

Other than that, I didn't do to much. I guess I should fold my wash.


It turns out everyone is busy this week! We aren't going to have any special guests because... well... no one is available. Sigh. I hope that a decent amount of people come out and see us on Thursday. Here is to hoping!


It's cold outside.


I'm going to start a fire.

Anyone want to buy a used car?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Chilly Day

Today is a good day to stay in. The temps, which had been around 60 for the last few days is only barely pushing 35. I imagine as the sun is getting darker, it's even colder outside now.

What have I done today? Not to much. I've pretty much just played Guild Wars all day. Heh. Although now I do plan to do some stuff. Just some N Crowd related stuff. Update the website and what not. We are trying to get another group together to do a short set for us this Thursday.... but at the moment... it's getting a bit tough to perhaps get someone.

I might call my buddy Greg M. later to see what he is up too. We shall see.

I'm sure I will let you know what happens.

When I say you... I mean Haley, Erin, and Jenna... the only three ladies that read this.

But hey... you three are my fav ladies, so I like to keep ya's up to date.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Chilly Saturday

It's snowing outside. Well more of a light flurry then anything else, but it is quite a change. At 2 p.m. I stepped out in PJ pants and a short sleeve shirt and it felt like a late summer day. Now... it's a bit icy out there.

Saw Munich tonight, it was pretty good. More nudity then I expected not to mention a sex scene with a chick that was preggers... but hey, lots of shooting and political theory. I enjoyed it.

Tomorrow...hmm... I don't know what tomorrow brings. Probably sleeping in.

Perhaps some actual work on some projects.

I wish I had better things to do on Saturday nights.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well I have been quite busy the last few days. More so than usual. I'm not sure when I'll have time to write about what I've been doing at home, so I am typing this gem up in school. My students are currently in Music class and I have an empty classroom. I shall post this later tonight when I get back. Anything I add between now and then I'll put in italics. Assuming I bother to go over what I ready at 11 p.m. tonight when I will likely post this.

(Well it's about 9:30ish now)


So today and yesterday I have been teaching little kids. They are in Pre-1st. Which is, for those who have never heard that before, basically a grade where students are academically ready for 1st grade, but socially not quite there yet. So it's a small class which basically concentrates on preparing them for 1st grade and give them more time to develop social skills. So there are alot of petty arguments and tears in the room over very silly things. Fortunately, a lot of them are adorable, so it isn't so bad. Actually, it is a difficult class to teach apparently. I am apparently the only sub that can come in here for the day and not leave halfway through the day. Heh. I don't find these kids to be to hard to keep under control, you just have to learn not to be frustrated.

Improv On Thursday

It was one hell of a show. Let me tell you. Both The N Crowd and ZombieShark were on fire! Red hot fire! Hot Hot Hot! It was a tight show and we actually got more then 10 people there, which was a nice change of pace. We had I think about 12 or 15 people there and both improv groups did a great show. GStarr, our band for the month did an awesome job, but they played a bit longer than they should off which pushed the show back which made the ladies in the front mad at us. Oh well. Hopefully they'll realized we brought people in this time and they bought some booze from their bar.

We really want to be in there in February. The plan is to do multi-improv group nights every night. I would really like to see The Ninjas, Industrial Improv, The Rare Bird Show, and Zombie Shark back for those nights. Lets hope that Society Hill Playhouse realizes what a good thing they have going with us.

Improv Tonight!

So tonight there is an improv show at the Troc, in Philly. My friends are in it and I'm going to go see it. I wasn't sure if I was because it starts at 6. I work to... 4 ish, and it takes me about an hour or an hour and a half to get down there. And with parking, that's even more. On a Friday is extremely bad. However... I decided I would leave right from work to get down there. Usually, I'd go home and then leave, which would mean me getting down there around... 7ish. As the show is from 6 to 8... I really don't want to miss anything. Why bother going? But I leave right from work, I think I can beat the traffic. We shall see.

I'm not sure what groups are in tonight besides Industrial Improv.... but I'll just add them later.

(I'm back from the show now.)

Tonight Industrial Improv, Matt and Craig, and Hot Sauce performed.

They were awesome!

Now I am going to sit back, relax, and watch Battlestar Galatica.


This will be a short post.

Last night we had a great N Crowd show with ZombieShark. Although the people at the SHP were pissed that our show was a bit longer than usual.

Tonight I am heading to the Troc to see some more improv.

I shall expand and write more whilst I am watching BattleStar Galatica tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So I figured out why no one was commenting on my blog.

It was because the comments weren't set right.

Comment away ERIN!


Bad News is bad news.

The N Crowd isn't going to be able to have weekly shows after January. This has been the result of one thing. No one comes to shows. It's not that the shows aren't funny. Other people, who are experts in improv, have come to our shows and loved what we do. However, the rest of Philadelphia.... Apparently doesn't. So because no one comes to our shows, the Society Hill Playhouse doesn't want us to come back in February. That's basically a quote, but that is what is boils down too. But, even if they did, it would still be tough because we are completely out of money.

Basically, because Philadelphia doesn't support the N Crowd, we ain't got a show in February.

What will become of the N Crowd after these last three shows? I don't know. I wish I did.

Maybe we'll produce a series of commercials with this narration:

"Hello there. Do you know every 30 seconds an improv artist dies in the streets? With your support for a little as $15 dollars a week, you can support this person who does improv. We will provide him with a show, a place to perform, and all the shots they need. In return they will write you, send you a picture, and perform for you. Time is running out.... Save the improv!"

Hmm.... maybe not.

Maybe I should just call Zod and he will make people come


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fun Times in Hershey

Last night I went to Hershey to see WWE's RAW. It was quite fun to tell you the truth. We had some awesome seats. I would say we were about 90 feet away from the ring. All of the matches were pretty funny... and be it that I am a "Mark" or someone who knows everything is fake and knows what is going to happen... I had a bit of fun while they were wrestling. I kept yelling things out to make people laugh. Such as:

  • There's no one cool named Gregory!
  • What in the hell is Viserca doing in a dress? (During Shelton's match. It's only funny if you know wrestling.)
  • Try not getting punched so much. It seems like you aren't doing so well when he's kicking you in the face.

It was fun.

Probably the best part of the night was the Edge and Lita segment. You see, the night before Edge won the belt somewhat underhandedly and he announced he would celebrate by having sex in the ring. So they brought the bed out, and out came Lita and Edge. This is Lita and Edge:

So anywho Edge and Lita slowly undress down to their undies and get into bed to make out. And a bra is tossed to the side. But then the cover slips and we see Lita's Boob! Boobie! HA! It was funny. The crowd went nuts. Because well... she is very nice in the chest area. Take a look at the pic below the other one. Whew. She has quite the rack.

So that was pretty awesome.

The other matches were pretty good and I had a good time with my friend Steve and his Girlfriend. We seem to always catch 1 or 2 shows a year and I certainly hope the tradition keeps up.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Tonight I am heading to Hersey, PA to see RAW live! If you tune into USA, you might just see me! Although more than likely, you won't. It seems that every year I get to go and see one or two WWE events. I saw Summerslam this year and tonight I'm going to see RAW.

It should be pretty good. I am going to go and see it with my pal, Steve Gray.

This is a picture of him when I went down to Washington D.C. to see Summerslam. I took alot of awesome picture there. I'm probably not going to bring my camera it's sorta broken. But maybe I will.

Improv Sunday

So our two Sunday shows went pretty well. Both shows were solid and the feedback was quite positive. It be nice if these people came to our actual Thursdays shows. I hope we can get some people for this Thursday because... well... it's always better with more people.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Family Day

Today is the annual X-mas party with the family. For some reason it always takes place after X-mas, but at least it's only two weeks after X-mas. I recall years when this thing took place in the last week of January. It's usually a very fun affair, with slight moments of weirdness. But that's because my family isn't all that together from time to time. Case in point, we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.... yeah.

However, tonight should be fun because the cousins and I are going out and getting drrrrrunk! Woot! It should be a good time.

Improv On Thursday

The show as great! ZombieShark kicked ass. GStarr Kicked ass. N Crowd kicked ass. It was an ass kicking show! First off, GStarr did a very nice 30 minute set and it is awesome that they will be there this entire month. I think that we are going to have ZombieShark there as well for the entire month. Anywho, then ZombieShark did a solid 20 minutes and then we did about an hour or so of our own improv.

It was a tight show. We had about 8 people there... Hopefully next week we'll have a larger crowd. I have no idea how to get more people there. But at least we have good shows.

Well that's about it for me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Opening Night 2006

Well hey hey hey!

Tonight's the night of the first N Crowd show of 2006. I hope that we get more than 2 people tonight. Now that I don't mind performing infront of an empty crowd, but it does get a bit old after awhile. I'm hoping that we get like... I don't know... 10 or 2o would be really awesome.

Now... for the most part I am supportive of most other improv groups. The only groups that I really don't like, are groups that don't like we do. I don't mind criticism. I just prefer that it be done when someone who would actually see a full show rather than bits and pieces. Which is why I hate it when people make comments about the show, without actually coming to them.

I'm not sure how I'm going to respond to this, if at all. I'll have to put some thought into it. And probably talk to a few other people to see what they think.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

At Chesters!

Well Chester is doing well and is studying. As you may remember, he is studying for computers. To help him, I showed him this video.

Don't Copy That Floppy


My windshield wipe was fixed! And not for several hundred dollars!

Bob is the best!

Yes once again tonight I will be at Chester's house whilst he studies. I actually should put a picture of him up since I post so many blogs from this location.

Anywho, yesterday I had rehearsal in Philly. And for those not exactly in the Philly area, it was a rainy day yesterday. Not a heavy downpour, but also not a drizzle. Anywho...while I was on 76, the main highway in and out of Philadelphia, my windshild wiper breaks. The driver's side wiper stops halfway through mid wipe. The passenger sides comes, slams into it and bends it in half as it is pushed off the window. So now, I only have onw windsheild wiper working, and it's on the passenger side. Unfortuantely, it's 76 is not hte best place to pull over. Every year several people get hit by cars and die. So... I lean over to the side and look out the clear side of the window to get into the rest of the way in Philly.

Now this is not a new problem. This has been an issues since September. This is the 3rd time this has happened. In fact, I took it to a mechanic to get it looked out in mid December. Obviously, whatever he did... didn't work.

I just think this is going to be an expensive repair.

N Crowd rehearshal on the other hand was very fun. I'm looking forward to this Thursdays show. It should be really good. And then this Sunday, The N Crowd will be at 2 places at once! Half of us will be at the Melange Theater Live and the other half will be at Improv Sundays at Fergies. A good time I think will be had by all!

I heard from my friend Erin yesterday. I told her to come to this blog so that... ya know.. 1 person reads it.



I had quite the day yesterday.

But I have to go and teach some computers. Tonight is study night at Chester's, so I'll write about yesterday later tonight.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Another Monday

If it's Monday, then I am at Chester's.

Yes indeed he is sitting across from me looking at... well I have no idea what he is looking at, but I am sure it is interesting. Outside of his penthouse apartment it is raining... and I mean raining. I think they are calling for at least an inch of rain tonight, tomorrow, and then the next day. I wish it was about 10 degrees colder, because then we would have some kick ass snow.

Next Monday, I am heading to Hershey to see RAW live with my pal Steve Gray. I went to Washington D.C. to see Summerslam in late summer. (Which was awesome I might add)

Improv Returns!

This Thursday! 507 South 8th Street! The N Crowd returns to the Society Hill Playhouse!


With Special Musical Guest: GStarr! And Special Improv Guest Zombie Shark!

It's very exciting! I can't wait to perform on stage again and I think it's going to be a killer show!

I just hope people come. :)

Quiet Has Returned

The holidays are over. Both my brother and my grandmother have left... and it is strangely quiet. Heh. It's somewhat of a nice feeling. Now having a house to myself when I don't work, it's nice.

So I did see the Producers on New Years Eve, and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it. The place was actually quite packed. I had never gone to the movies on New Years Eve... Apparently it is a popular night to go to the movies.

Today, I plan to spend my quiet day....

  • Sleeping
  • Doing wash
  • Playing Guild Wars

In fact... I plan to get that first one out of the way after I get done posting.

This week is going to be a fun week because it's the first week the N Crowd is back at the Society Hill Playhouse. We did shows in December, but they weren't 90 minute shows. This month, we have a special musical guest, GStarr. Its the band of the guy who books the place. We really appreciate it, so it should be pretty awesome.

Well I'm going to take a nap... and I'll probably post when I get to Chester's tonight.