Redhead's Have Random Thoughts (Beejer's Blog)

Saturday, May 20, 2006


So... Obviously May has sucked in terms of writing in this blog. So I guess I'll just touch upon some subjects that have been going on.

Job Interviews

Well I had one with Pottstown and it went really well. It was just a screening process. I imagine I'll go back in for a follow up sooner than later. Although if they like other people more, then I likely won't hear from them. I sent letters into Pottsgrove, but again I haven't heard from them yet.

Seth and Mary's Wedding

I had a great time heading up to Pittsburgh to attend their wedding. It was a whirlwind weekend as I left Friday, attended the wedding on Saturday, and headed back to Pottstown on Sunday. Needless to say I was really tired for the rest of the week. But I've plugged along.

It was really great to see Rob, Jess, Seth, Mary, Steve, Shaun, Maribeth, Alicia, Cathy, and Josh over the weekend. I plan on seeing most of them again in 3 weeks when I head up for the banquet. I also plan on seeing Erin that night too. I'm really looking forward to that.


Well all the days pretty much blur into each other. I've only got about another 2 weeks of actual teaching, and then one week of inventory and making sure I get all of the books back. It's been a good experience, but I am really looking forward to a few days off. I guess the only interesting thing that has happened lately was an "Intruder in the Building" drill. I had to convince a bunch of 1st graders not to worry.. if someone broke through the door, I would hit them with the fire extinguisher. Heh.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Tonight I have a job interview for a teaching position. Needless to say, I am pretty nervous. I spent the weekend away attending a wedding, so I didn't prep all that much for it. As I understand it, the interview tonight is going to be the 5 building principals and a few other people grilling me with questions.


I don't know. I'm pretty worried that I am going to bomb the entire interview.

I've had a pretty busy past 7 days. I will likely write about it later tonight.

Wish me luck.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Bow Down To The King

I really wish I had HHH's them music playing each time I entered an important place.

Well anywho, another week has come to an end.


Teaching in the libraries has been rather uneventful. I did have a teacher get snippy with me in one school, but according to everyone else, she's sorta of a bitch. So I don't mind her as much as I did. I realize that she's just a very sad person who has nothing better to do then interrupt me during my class 2 or 3 times and tell me how I should run my class.

Poor soul, she was just too high strung.

Other than that, things are going well. I've banned the 5th graders in one school from two seconds of the library. They are no longer allowed to take out Magazines, because they can't take care of them. And they are banned from the Easy Books section because I don't think 5th graders should be reading Curious George.


The N Crowd took this week off. We would have done a show, but the SHP was booked this week. I didn't mind. I'm a little burnt out as it is. I spent last night relaxing. Next week we are going to hit the ground running for another 2 months at the SHP. I'm really looking forward to it.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Happy May 1st comrades!